Friday, February 22, 2013

Misrepresentation in World Press and Picture of the Year Award Winning Photo

Paolo Pellegrin
Tom Griggs of fototazo recently recommended this article on his Facebook feed.  A very interesting read, especially in light of our recent conversations around ethics and authenticity in Photo I and Photo II.  Click HERE to access the article from BagNews.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Canteen Magazine's Naked Judging Featured on Lenscratch

This will likely be helpful for students to look over in terms of thinking about your work and how it may be perceived by others within the photographic community of lookers and thinkers.  I encourage everyone to have a look at the images and read through the commentary on Lenscratch (from both exhibition jurors and photographers whose work did not advance to the final rounds).  The comments (from both) are very telling.

Click HERE to view the post.

Can A Computer Generate Every Possible Photograph

Re-blogging from ART300 student, Kevin Griffin.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Kevin!  Very in keeping with our discussion in class today related to technological advancement and the nature of photography, and our relationship to images. 
Here is Kevin's blog post:
And here is a link to the story on the artist's website:

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ben Jones: The Video on Rhizome

Interesting write up on Rhizome about the Ben Jones exhibition at The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. 

"The exhibition has been described as a series of video installations and while, technically, that’s correct, it’s also more than that. Collectively, the works in the show function as an installation about making videos.  Unlike many of his fine art contemporaries, Jones is himself a manifestation of network age high-low plurality.  He runs a successful commercial animation practice, creating music videos for the likes of Beck and M.I.A., and he writes, voices, animates, directs and scores the Problem Solverz, a children’s show soon to begin it’s second season. The works on display at MOCA seem keenly aware of his double life and how these differing working methods affect his artistic production."

Click HERE to read the full text and to view images from the show.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Latent Image - Site Redesign

Max Marshall does a fantastic job updating this site with fantastic work on a daily basis.  Take a moment to peruse the site - good stuff.  Click HERE to access.

Barney Kulok (from the Latent Image - 1.25.13)