Friday, August 31, 2012

Six Shooters Photo Collective - Exhibition

I found out about this group of women who came together to form a collective a few weeks ago - what a great way to sustain a continued conversation about photographic imagery while thinking through your own work and process as well.  Love it.  Here are a few words from Aline Smithson discussing the project:

"About six months ago, I was out to lunch with a group of photographer friends: Nancy Baron, Noelle Swan Gilbert, Cat Gwynn, Heidi Lender, Ashly Stohl and me.  Over the course of the meal we discussed all the usual photographic topics and also talked about the desire to have fun with photography again, something that gets lost in the onslaught of competitions and reviews. Our goal is to express Six points of view, over Six days, creating a thread of visual connections whether it be through subject, color, light, or gesture, leading the viewer on a photographic journey--a visual train, so to speak, with each image dependent on the one in front and the one behind to make the engine operate and stay on track. We do not create work for the site, instead mine our archives and use work that sometimes otherwise never sees the light of day.  It's also inspired us to create random images, outside of the "project" template.  We are thrilled to announce our first exhibition, featuring five weeks, 30 images, at the Seaver Gallery at the Marlboro School in Los Angeles, opening September 5th and running though October 9th. You can check out the site here, and follow us on Facebook here!"

Above quote from Aline Smithson, Lenscratch

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