Friday, August 31, 2012

What Is Conceptual Photography?

Thank you, Source, for producing this lovely little video.  There are two more parts, apparently - I'll try to find them and/or be on the lookout for them as they are released.  Very true that this notion of "conceptual photography" is quite contested - although I remain at a loss for why it bothers certain people and practitioners to the extent it does.  Nonetheless,  Source has done a nice job at picking it apart a bit. 

Their editors write that, "The term sometimes refers to 'preconceived' photographs, sometimes images with a historical pedigree and most often to pictures with a generalised indebtedness to ideas. In the current issue of Source three essays suggest different definitions. To complement these articles we have made three films asking a number of artists, critics and curators what they think of conceptual photography. In the first film, critics John Roberts and Lucy Soutter describe the use of photography in Conceptual Art while John Hilliard talks about his own involvement in the movement and how those original principles are still present in the work he makes today."

Watch the video below (or link to the YouTube clip for full screen).
Above and below content from Source Photographic Review

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