Jonathan F. Walz (fabulous CFAM curator) sent some info on this digital publication project my way the other day - it sounds pretty interesting. The site's originator has some intriguing work on his site as well, dealing with Google Street View (a popular new strategy for looking at and to the world for artists) as well as other projects that incorporate video game imagery and virtual landscapes.
HERE to read the call for submissions.
HERE to glance at Aaron Brumbelow's personal work website.
T.M.P. Issue 01
Call for Submissions
Virtual Connection
The publication Touch My Prints seeks
image based works, essays, virtual sculptures, and video based works on
the topics of death, isolation, love, loss, tragedy, betrayal,
friendship, etc of and by players and characters with in video games.
T.M.P is interested in the lives of NPCs (Non-Player Character) and our interactions with them.
Submission Deadline is April 1, 2013