From the Dazibao website:
Darren Ell is a photographer and activist. His involvement, informed by close collaboration with social justice organizations such as Solidarity across Borders, Justice for Mohamed Harkat and Homes not Bombs, goes well beyond a mere connection to a subject. His close familiarity with his subjects, moreover, is surely at the root of the incredible power of his work. In these large-format portraits—it’s as if he were revealing, larger than life, the hidden face of a society which believes itself to be inclusive, fair and tolerant—there are no victims or heroes. Rather, Ell’s images place us face to face with ourselves. They question our own value system and perhaps our too-passive resistance. Accompanied by a sound track in which the individuals photographed describe their situation, Darren Ell’s work brings the documentary genre up to date.
Mahmoud Jaballah
Metro West Detention Centre, Toronto
Mahmoud was arrested, tortured and released without charge seven times in Egypt’s repression of devout Muslims. His wife’s torture led to a miscarriage. They claimed refugee status in Canada in 1996. A father of six, Mahmoud became the principal of an Islamic school in Scarborough. Relying on information from the Egyptian authorities, Canadian Security and Intelligence Services (CSIS) arrested him on a security certificate in 1999 for alleged involvement in a terrorist organization. The case was quashed, the secret evidence deemed not credible. Mahmoud was re-arrested in August 2001. No new evidence was cited. Mahmoud denied all allegations but has been held without charge or access to evidence since. He has developed chronic back pain, respiratory problems, chest pains, fainting spells and diminished concentration while in detention. The Government of Canada admits that he would face torture or death if deported. In December 2006, he went on a hunger strike to protest his conditions.
rotest his conditions.
Amparo Torres
Amparo was a union organizer and founding member of Colombia’s Union Patriotica, an umbrella organization for left political parties. In the 1990’s, Amparo continued her political work despite the assassination of 4,000 of her colleagues. After being tortured for five months, she fled Colombia. She was granted permanent resident status in Canada. In 2003, Canada added the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to its list of terrorist organizations, an organization whose legitimacy it previously acknowledged. Amparo’s brother and ex-husband were members of the FARC. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service blocked her application for citizenship, saying she was linked to a terrorist organization. Evidence is kept secret, so Amparo cannot defend herself. She denies all allegations, but still faces deportation.
To see more of this work, visit the website of Darren Ell.
Images and text from
Amparo Torres
Amparo was a union organizer and founding member of Colombia’s Union Patriotica, an umbrella organization for left political parties. In the 1990’s, Amparo continued her political work despite the assassination of 4,000 of her colleagues. After being tortured for five months, she fled Colombia. She was granted permanent resident status in Canada. In 2003, Canada added the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to its list of terrorist organizations, an organization whose legitimacy it previously acknowledged. Amparo’s brother and ex-husband were members of the FARC. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service blocked her application for citizenship, saying she was linked to a terrorist organization. Evidence is kept secret, so Amparo cannot defend herself. She denies all allegations, but still faces deportation.
To see more of this work, visit the website of Darren Ell.
Images and text from
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